Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Random random

Oh NO I forgot to post yesterday! I don't even have a good excuse except that I just plain forgot. I'm not doing very well at this posting every day thing. And an old close friend of mine came to town to visit for the day and she's on her way over so I will make this short.

1) Plain yogurt and fresh blackberries crushed up in it - so much better than fruit-on-the-bottom.
2) Customers that make you remember what's really important. (I was venting to a customer about how tired and stressed out I was yesterday and he noticed the Buddha necklace I was wearing and made a mudra with his hands reminded me to breathe, and then we got talking about Buddhism and it made my whole day, possibly my whole week).
3) Friends who live hours and hours away and come to visit spontaneously anyway.
4) Iced green tea - yum yum yum.
5) Netflix working okay even though the internet's incredibly slow and malfunctional.
6) Stores with a good return policy.
7) Having off from work two whole days in a row.
8) Brahms' second symphony.


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